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One Hand is Better Than Two

For most golfers, the golf swing is an image in the head of their golfing idol or a player whose swing is (insert adjective) examples: pleasant, powerful, beautiful, efficient, not their own, etc. But, unfortunately, very rarely does the picture in our head match our actual swing. However, it should not be a goal to swing in any particular way just for looks. The goal should be the end result, if the ball goes in the direction of the given target and ends up around the distance you intended. For this to happen on a consistent basis the club needs to be consistently in (about) the same place at impact.

One of the best drills you can possibly do to improve your impact position is the One Handed Drill. It is best done as a pitch shot (or half swings - waist-to-waist) and you can not over do it (you could do it everyday). It is most effective if done from both sides as well (half with the right hand only & half with the left hand only). by training both arms independently, it will encourage them work correctly and more in sync on the full swing. The reason one hand is very efficient is when both arms on the club they will tend to want to overpower the club and swing it to the ball separately or out of sync with our body's rotation. By making the club “heavy” it lets the club come down to the ball in a better position with less arm interference to hit the ball more on line & solidly.

The two videos below demonstrate this drill and discuss it in more detail.

The One Hand Drill - The Lead Hand


The Other One-Hand Drill - The Trailing Hand